
Dropbox Folder Sync for Mac

DropLink is a simple software that allows you to sync any file or folder on your Mac with Dropbox. DropLink is free and very light! (Requires Dropbox and OS X ...

Expected changes with Dropbox for macOS on File Provider

2024年1月15日 — The sync icons next to your files and folders in the Dropbox desktop app are now handled by the File Provider API. Sync performance is now ...

How can I sync the Dropbox folder that's under my

2023年12月11日 — I recently upgraded to an iMac M3 desktop & now have 2 DropBox folders. The one I want to sync with is in the Favorites list & also in my ...

How to check if your files and folders are syncing

2023年11月28日 — To check the sync status of a specific file or folder: Open the Dropbox folder in File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac). Locate the file or ...

How to Make Dropbox Sync Faster on Mac OS X?

2023年9月29日 — Making Dropbox sync faster on Mac OS X is easy. You can manually adjust the bandwidth settings to make Dropbox sync faster.


2023年4月27日 — Solved: I'm running the DropBox (DB) desktop app (v172.4.7555) on a 2019 iMac running MacOS Monterey 12.6.5. Those are the current versions ...

Sync Files and Folders across Devices

You can sync Dropbox files and folders across devices with the Dropbox app. Sign in to your Dropbox account on each device, then add your files and folders to ...

Sync icons on Dropbox for macOS on File Provider

2023年9月29日 — Sync icons in the Dropbox folder · Open the Dropbox folder in Finder. · Locate the file or folder you'd like to check. Note: You can use the ...


DropLinkisasimplesoftwarethatallowsyoutosyncanyfileorfolderonyourMacwithDropbox.DropLinkisfreeandverylight!(RequiresDropboxandOSX ...,2024年1月15日—ThesynciconsnexttoyourfilesandfoldersintheDropboxdesktopapparenowhandledbytheFileProviderAPI.Syncperformanceisnow ...,2023年12月11日—IrecentlyupgradedtoaniMacM3desktop&nowhave2DropBoxfolders.TheoneIwanttosyncwithisintheFavoriteslist&alsoinm...